FSA-1KE Material Tester
Mã sản phẩm: S000098
Đăng ngày 27-03-2019 01:20:26 PM


Integrated Force & Displacement Testers

The FSA-1KE Force/Displacement Tester is a complete test system which can be configured for a wide array of applications requiring both force and displacement measurement. These integrated test systems combine the capabilities of EMX series test stands with FA sensor and ZTA series gauges. The FSA-1KE series features a high speed distance meter. In conjunction with the force gauge, the distance meter can output up to 2,000 data per second.

PTS 180 Degree Peel Tester
Mã sản phẩm: S000097
Đăng ngày 27-03-2019 01:18:56 PM

IPTS-1 capacity 1 lbf
IPTS-4 capacity 4 lbf
IPTS-11 capacity 11 lbf

ZT Digital Force Gauge
Mã sản phẩm: S000066
Đăng ngày 26-03-2019 09:29:24 PM

ZT Series Digital Force Gauge with Luminescent EL Display, Intuitive Menu Driven Interface

Model ZTS (Standard)
Model ZTA (Advanced)

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